Middle School teachers aim to stretch each student academically and challenge them to achieve their best possible results. This year, we are very fortunate to be able to run an open plan Year 7 class room environment which will allow for integrated studies and a variety of hands on activities to occur. All students in Year 8 have a ‘taste’ of a variety of elective subjects including Arts, Home Economics, Wood Work, ICT, Music, Drama and Japanese. These ‘tasters’ then enable the students to begin to choose their subject and possibly career pathways when they enter Year 9 and beyond. We are very excited to be running our first ever Surf Camp for our new Year 8 students and are planning ways to extend camps into other year levels.
Should parents have any inquiries about their child’s schooling, they are asked to first contact their child’s Home Care teacher who will endeavour to help out. Ms Liz Rankin is the Head of Middle School and is available to assist parents and students as needed.
We are looking forward to a very successful and exciting year in the Middle School. Please contact the school should you require any additional information about specific Middle School activities or programs.