Flexible Learning

Flexible Learning Options (FLO)

A FLO enrolment can help if a student is experiencing difficulties engaging in a fulltime, mainstream classes. Students who are FLO enrolled are allocated a FLO Case Manager to support them as they identify and address the barriers preventing them from engaging successfully in fulltime learning.

FLO enrolled students have an individualised, part-time timetable that can include the GDC Flexible Learning Centre (SACE, Literacy and Numeracy), mainstream electives, TAFE, and community based programs.

For more information contact the FLO Leader, Kate Tetlow on (08) 8521 2400 or visit the Department for Education.

GDC Flexible Learning Centre (FLC)

he FLC is located within the revamped Gawler House grounds.

Students who access the FLC have an individualised learning program tailored to meet their needs, interests and zone of proximal development. All learning tasks feature a strong focus on further developing literacy and numeracy skills and are aligned with Australian Curriculum or SACE depending on the student’s current skill level and pathway. Students are able to undertake stage 1 and 2 SACE compulsories as well as a selection of cross-curricular electives irrespective of their age and/or year level.

Adult learning principles are embedded in all areas of the FLC with learners determining their own learning goals for each session with support from the learning centre staff.  This allows students to be proactive in their own learning and progress at their own pace and is enhanced by the small staff to student ratio (max 1:8)

For most students, the FLC is one part of a broader learning program with students accessing the FLC up to two sessions per week.

Department for Education and Child Development T/A South Australian Government Schools CRICOS Provider Number: 00018A