ICT Services

Gawler and District College strives to provide a wide range of ICT Services that will assist our students to become responsible, confident and capable Digital Citizens.

ICT provides young people with new and engaging ways to learn, but at the same time, they need to learn how to use this technology, including mobile devices and social networking sites, in a responsible and ethical manner.

Students and their parents/caregivers are required to read, discuss and sign the appropriate ICT Use Agreement for their year level at enrolment and at the beginning of each year - please see the downloadable documents for the appropriate year levels on this page.

We have a range of online ICT services available:

1:1 Device Program

In 2020 we launched our 1:1 ICT Device program. The ICT User Agreement - Full Version must be read in full and the ICT User Agreement - For Signing must be signed by a caregiver and the student for them to be able to be a part of the program. Please see the downloads section for both forms.

In 2021, Chromebooks have now been issued to all Year 7 to 11 students and Windows laptops to Year 12 students.

Year 8-12 students will be able to take their laptop home, which will give them 24/7 access to the technology they need for their learning.
Internet access and website filtering at home will be the responsibility of the parent/caregiver.

These devices are owned by the school and loaned out to students. Students will be expected to return their laptop at the end of each year or when leaving and abide by the guidelines for the care and use of their device as set out in the ICT User Agreement.

Daymap Parent Portal

The Daymap Parent Portal is an extension of the Daymap Learning Management System, that provides parents with access to key school and student information, both at home and on the go. It’s an easy-to-use system which allows parents to create and manage their own accounts for Daymap Connect. Access requires only one login and password per parent (with the option to provide multiple logins) to access details for all of your children enrolled in the school. 

Please check out the Daymap Portal Quickstart Guide in the Downloads section on this page which will help you to get started.

Access the Daymap Parent Portal here, or click on the Daymap image in 'Stay Connected' section on our website home page. You can also install the Daymap App on your phone or other mobile device.

Click here to learn more about Daymap

Microsoft 365

Our school has recently expanded the current email service offered to students with additional services, and this is known as Microsoft 365. 

Microsoft Office 365 is a customised package that has been tailored for the South Australian public education system, and is offered at no additional charge to parents/guardians whilst their student remains enrolled at Gawler & District College.

With Microsoft 365 now enabled for students attending Gawler & District College (GDC) in Years 3 to 12, families will be able to use this service online. Also, via their home Internet service, they will be able to download licensed versions of common Microsoft Office applications used in teaching and learning for no charge, and use them after installation without an internet connection. Students will also have their own online storage space for files that can be shared with other students and teachers.

Gawler & District College B-12 students and staff have easy access to Microsoft 365 apps such as Word, Powerpoint, Excel, Teams and many more via the EdPass Portal https://portal.edpass.sa.edu.au.

For logon details, check out the EdPass Logon instructions in the Downloads section on this page.

G-Suite for Education

G-Suite for Education is a suite of cloud computing, productivity and collaboration tools, software and products developed by Google. G-Suite provides students with a collaboration platform to create and/or upload/share content. This may include websites, presentations, written, audio, images and video material as part of their educational program.

Gawler & District College B-12 students and staff have easy access to Google apps such as Google Classroom, Docs, Sheets, Slides and more via the EdPass Portal https://portal.edpass.sa.edu.au.

For logon details, check out the Edpass Logon instructions in the Downloads section on this page.

All data and information within G-Suite is securely stored in geographically distributed data centres.

Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) Program

Many students have personally owned devices that can be used to allow them to learn in their own style and at their own pace.

If the devices the students use beyond the school day are the same ones they use for school, the student can seamlessly switch from personal use to learning anytime, anywhere. The resources for learning are accessible to the students 24/7, enabling them to pursue personal interests associated with such learning (this requires internet access when not at school). 

Please read the BYOD section in the ICT User Agreement - Full Version and then download and sign the Bring Your Own Device Agreement - For Signing (see downloads). Once signed, the student can bring their device and the form to the ICT Help Desk in the college Resource Centre for help with setting up.



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